Five Instagram Marketing Trends in 2022

With the recent release of Instagram's newest update, it is time to start thinking about what marketing strategies you will need in 2022. While in some ways, the app seems to be going back to its roots with the option for a chronological feed, we will also be seeing some new marketing trends this upcoming year. At The Marketing Greenhouse, we're anxious to see how these changes will affect the algorithm, reach, and other key parts of engagement. Here are five trends to look out for this coming year.

1. Increased use of Reels

First and foremost, Instagram Reels is likely to continue being an up-and-coming trend in 2022. Since Instagram announced last year that they would be moving to become a video platform, they have laser-focused the algorithm to reflect that.

As a result, video content does better for your engagement than static posts.

It also has many benefits for marketers. Because of Reels' short length and unique format, they are perfect for grabbing attention and driving conversions. In addition, they can be used to create a more personal connection with your audience by giving them a behind-the-scenes look at your company or product.

phone on a desk

So how can you start using reels in your marketing strategy? First and foremost, make sure that all of your video content is high quality.

No one wants to watch a poorly shot video. Secondly, experiment with different types of content to see what works best for you. Finally, always keep the goal of your reel in mind. Are you trying to drive website traffic? Increase brand awareness? Get people to sign up for your email list? Knowing this will help you craft the right message and tone for each reel.

2. More interactive and engaging posts

This goes hand-in-hand with Reels. Gone are the days of solely aesthetic feeds and filler photos. While you should still curate your feed, you must do more now to attract and maintain an audience. People want to know your story, how you started and what brought you to this point. Your audience wants to feel like they know you personally.

So, how can you accomplish this?

One way that many companies have begun engaging their audience is through polls on Instagram Stories. These are a great way to get your followers involved and learn more about them at the same time! You can also use polls to ask what types of content they want to see in the future or find out which products they would be interested in purchasing from you.

In addition, ask fun questions or give a call to action in your posts. For example, ask your followers to tag a friend in the comments who they think would also be interested in what you have to say. This not only increases engagement but also helps to spread your message further.


3. Greater focus on Stories

As mentioned before, Stories are becoming an increasingly important part of any social media marketing strategy. Not only are they a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level, but they also offer many unique benefits over traditional posts.

For one, stories disappear after 24 hours so you have to constantly be creating new content if you want to keep your followers engaged. Secondly, because of the way that the algorithm works, stories are much more likely to be seen by your followers than regular posts. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, stories allow you to do more with your content than just post static photos or videos. You can add text, stickers, polls, and other interactive elements which make for a much more engaging experience for your followers.

4. Subscriptions

The newest trend on Instagram which is still in beta testing is subscriptions. Subscriptions are another great way to engage your audience and monetize your content. Subscriptions are for people who want more access to what you're doing as an influencer or brand online than just following along with normal posts can provide.

This feature is still in the works so there are not many details available yet. However, it is speculated that subscriptions will work similarly to Patreon or YouTube Red in that you will be able to pay a monthly fee for exclusive access to content, behind-the-scenes footage, early releases, and more. How this will play out for businesses and influencers is still unknown, but it's a safe bet that it will become increasingly important in the near future.

5. Continued growth in influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is still on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down. What this means for businesses is that if you're not already using influencers as part of your marketing strategy, now is the time to start.

The key to success with influencer marketing is finding the right influencers to work with.

Look for people who have a similar audience to yours and whose values align with your own. Also, make sure that you are willing to invest in creating quality content together. If both sides put in the effort, the results can be amazing! The Marketing Greenhouse has run plenty of influencer campaigns and would be delighted to assist you.

These marketing trends will continue to play out over the course of 2022, and even more will emerge in the coming months.

If you’re looking for an edge on your competitors, it can be helpful to get ahead of the curve by identifying trends so that you are prepared when they come up. As a marketing firm ourselves, we at The Marketing Greenhouse know how difficult it can be to keep up with new trends popping up. We are constantly sharing new social media updates and trends, so follow us on Instagram to stay up to date about these exciting changes!


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