Why Your Business Might Not Need to Be on TikTok-Yet

TikTok, the short-form video app, has taken the world by storm. With over 800 million active monthly users, it's no wonder that businesses are wondering if they need to be on TikTok, too. The answer, in short, is possibly, but maybe not—not yet, at least. Here's why:

1) TikTok is still a new platform.

It's true that TikTok has seen explosive growth since it launched in 2016, but it's still a new platform with a lot of unknowns. For example, we don't yet know how sustainable the platform will be in the long run. What happens when the novelty wears off and people move on to the next big thing? Will TikTok still be around? We just don't know yet. 

2) TikTok is a very specific type of platform.

It's a great platform for quick, fun videos—but that's not necessarily what every business needs. If your business is selling a complex product or service, TikTok might not be the best place to market it. You might be better off sticking to more traditional channels like LinkedIn or Twitter. 

3) You need to have a solid strategy before jumping on any new platform.

Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you should, too. Before you start marketing on TikTok (or any other new platform), you need to have a solid plan in place. Who is your target audience? What kind of content will you create? How will you measure success? Without answers to these questions, you're just shooting in the dark. 

There's no doubt that TikTok is one of the hottest social media platforms around right now—but that doesn't mean your business needs to be on it. At least not yet. If you're thinking about using TikTok for marketing purposes, hold off until you can answer these three questions: Is the platform here to stay? Is it a good fit for my business? Do I have a solid plan in place? Once you have those answers, you can decide if TikTok is right for your business—or if you're better off sticking to more established platforms like Facebook or Instagram.


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